
UNTMANG001: BSc (hons): Business Administration

Year 1, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

ECOI0044 Prices & markets      5 Credits

MANG0001 Behaviour in organisations 1      5 Credits

MANG0002 Firm & the environment 1      5 Credits

MANG0003 Introduction to research & investigation      5 Credits

MANG0004 Personal computing      5 Credits

Optional Units

Select 1 unit from the following list:

EDUC0001 Exploring effective learning      6 Credits

ESML0204 Chinese stage 1A (beginners)      6 Credits

ESML0210 French stage 7A (advanced)      6 Credits

ESML0216 French stage 4A (intermediate)      6 Credits

ESML0222 German stage 1A (beginners)      6 Credits

ESML0228 German stage 7A (advanced)      6 Credits

ESML0234 German stage 4A (intermediate)           6 Credits

ESML0240 Italian stage 1A (beginners)      6 Credits

ESML0246 Japanese 1A (beginners)      6 Credits

ESML0252 Spanish stage 1A (beginners)      6 Credits

ESML0258 Spanish stage 4A (intermediate)           6 Credits

Year 1, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

MANG0005 Behaviour in organisations 2      5 Credits

MANG0006 Business economics      5 Credits

MANG0007 Firm & the environment 2      5 Credits

MANG0008 Introduction to the financial management of the organisation      5 Credits

MATH0095 Quantitative methods      5 Credits

Optional Units

Select 1 unit from the following list:

EDUC0001 Exploring effective learning      6 Credits

EDUC0002 Learning: Theory & context      6 Credits

ESML0205 Chinese stage 1B      6 Credits

ESML0211 French stage 7B      6 Credits

ESML0217 French stage 4B      6 Credits

ESML0223 German stage 1B      6 Credits

ESML0229 German stage 7B      6 Credits

ESML0235 German stage 4B      6 Credits

ESML0241 Italian stage 1B      6 Credits

ESML0247 Japanese 1B      6 Credits

ESML0253 Spanish stage 1B      6 Credits

ESML0259 Spanish stage 4B      6 Credits

Year 2, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Period of mixed study and experience

Mandatory Units

MANG0086 Industrial placement 1      30 Credits

Year 2, Semester 2

Optional Units

Select 5 units from the following list:

ESML0141 Business French option 1A      5 Credits

MANG0009 Company finance      5 Credits

MANG0010 Company law      5 Credits

MANG0011 Cultures, work & society      5 Credits

MANG0012 Economics of strategy 1      5 Credits

MANG0013 Employee relations 1      5 Credits

MANG0014 IT & its business context      5 Credits

MANG0015 Market analysis      5 Credits

MANG0016 Marketing 1      5 Credits

MANG0017 Operations management      5 Credits

MANG0018 Processing, reporting & auditing financial information      5 Credits

MANG0019 Product costing & cost analysis      5 Credits

MATH0096 Statistics 1 (service unit)      5 Credits

Select 1 unit from the following list:
Students will be allocated to one of the following.

MANG0021 Action project      5 Credits

MANG0022 Portfolio project      5 Credits

Year 3, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Period of mixed study and experience

Optional Units

Select 5 units from the following list:

ESML0142 Business French option 1B      5 Credits

ESML0387 Business German option 1B      5 Credits

MANG0023 Business forecasting      5 Credits

MANG0024 Commercial contracts      5 Credits

MANG0025 Company accounts & reports      5 Credits

MANG0026 Economic analysis of financial decisions      5 Credits

MANG0027 Economics of strategy 2      5 Credits

MANG0028 Emerging patterns of thought belief & action      5 Credits

MANG0029 Employee relations 2      5 Credits

MANG0030 Financial control & performance evaluation      5 Credits

MANG0031 Human resource management      5 Credits

MANG0032 IT & management      5 Credits

MANG0033 Management ideas & dilemmas      5 Credits

MANG0034 Marketing 2      5 Credits

MANG0092 Operations strategy      5 Credits

MATH0097 Statistics 2 (service unit)      5 Credits

Select 1 unit from the following list:
Students will be allocated to one of the following.

MANG0021 Action project      5 Credits

MANG0022 Portfolio project      5 Credits

Year 3, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

MANG0087 Industrial placement 2      30 Credits

Year 4, Semester 1

Mode of Attendance: Full period in University (Undergraduate)

Mandatory Units

MANG0052 Group project 1      10 Credits

Optional Units

Select 4 units from the following list:

MANG0028 Emerging patterns of thought belief & action      5 Credits

MANG0035 Aspects of Japanese business      5 Credits

MANG0036 Consumer research      5 Credits

MANG0037 Cost management      5 Credits

MANG0039 Employment law      5 Credits

MANG0040 European integration studies 1      5 Credits

MANG0041 Financial reporting & accounting standards      5 Credits

MANG0042 Managing conflict      5 Credits

MANG0044 Organisational change & design      5 Credits

MANG0045 Pay & rewards      5 Credits

MANG0046 Product policy      5 Credits

MANG0047 Specialist IT management      5 Credits

MANG0048 Strategic analysis      5 Credits

MANG0050 Supply management      5 Credits

MANG0051 Technology management      5 Credits

MANG0096 Environmental management in organizations      5 Credits

Year 4, Semester 2

Mandatory Units

MANG0068 Group project 2      10 Credits

Optional Units

Select 4 units from the following list:

ESML0143 Business French option 2      5 Credits

MANG0035 Aspects of Japanese business      5 Credits

MANG0049 Strategic marketing      5 Credits

MANG0050 Supply management      5 Credits

MANG0053 Advanced supply management      5 Credits

MANG0054 Business strategies & human resource management      5 Credits

MANG0055 Corporate governance & regulation           5 Credits

MANG0056 Corporate strategy in the European Union      5 Credits

MANG0057 Depth psychology of the consumer           5 Credits

MANG0058 Ecological thinking & action in management      5 Credits

MANG0059 European integration studies 2      5 Credits

MANG0060 Europe & international business management      5 Credits

MANG0062 International business law      5 Credits

MANG0063 International marketing      5 Credits

MANG0064 Managing change      5 Credits